Martin Luther King Jr., 2021
I am by far a good orator or eloquent speaker, but I could not pass this day without acknowledging here the significance of observing Martin Luther King Jr. It would appear that we, (POC) can get so discouraged by current events involving racial injustices still being carried out so long after the assassination of such a figure. We think just because it’s 2021, all should be cupcakes and rainbows & that we should be holding hands singing kumbaya. When in reality, tribalism will always, ALWAYS exist. America was “established” on tainted ideals. The entitlement of white people is rooted in the suppression and oppression of POC. Until that very thing is willingly and voluntarily acknowledged, not by US, but those who continue to still look at US as less than human beings, we will always have to fight.
However, the Preamble of the constitution states, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This whole thing could be highlighted, but what is in bold will forever be a work in progress with all things after that statement being predicated on that continuous work. Our society, our culture has been conditioned to expect dramatic change INSTANTLY! This is not realistic. And although that may seem not so “positive”, simply take a look around you. Review your history in 50 year increments. Even though it’s hard to see, we are not where we used to be & for that we can be thankful and build on the progress that’s been made before us. There is so much that can be said, especially considering the recent events but I’ll simply leave my favorite quotes to express my gratitude for honoring such a figure.