The Magic of Christmas & Gumbo
From Alabama, to Texas to Maryland. My family tradition remains the same. Ever since I could remember, my mother fixed a magical pot of soup every Christmas season…the southern traditional Gumbo. Now we have our neighbors to the west of Bama, MS and LA, so of course, the versions of Gumbo vary, but I believe there is one variant that remains ever present in Gumbo, no matter the region (in the south, that is) & that is the love and magic & soul put forth in every pot across the south. Now the timing does vary on when it’s made. More often than not, many also prepare their gumbo during the Mardi Gras season, another landmark southern tradition-catching the aromas of crab boils, roux, gumbo file, corn, crabs, shrimp, connecuh sausages, red potatoes, potent vegetables. Listening to the sounds of claws cracking from either being bitten into to grab that prize of crab meat or the sounds of mallets hitting the tables to enjoy the savory juices.
For us & our family, it was our traditional Christmas delight along with rice & sweet corn bread. If there was ever anything I looked forward to as much as Christmas, it was watching my mother prepare Gumbo. I’ve learned & perfected it & now I have passed this magical tradition down to my family. This year, however, was extra special. Covid has taken away so much from us this year-loss of touch & socializing, family gatherings, most moves people make are ridden with anxiety & hyper-vigilance because we want to keep our families and communities safe, our kids can’t interact with their peers like they need to, and so much more. As I was preparing my Gumbo this year, I noticed I paid extra attention to every step. I poured my heart into my preparation this year because I felt I needed to recreate the magic that had been dimmed by covid.
Christmas is no different here. For my family & I, Christmas & Gumbo go together. I would like to make mention that I have always told people, my husband & I feed off of one another. We also complement one another, where one is lacking, the other fulfills, when one is down, the other is the up-lifter (that’s 2 Geminis for ya). This year was no different. I think both my husband & I along with the rest of the world are OVER COVID! It’s been exhausting. Not being able to give my children the Christmas I’d like them to have…. or so I thought. I have literally had no energy to be in the Christmas spirit like I had imagined I would be. But something about preparing my gumbo awakened something in me.
You remember when you were a young child, and the excitement you had leading up to Christmas Eve? Do you remember when you believed in Santa? Do you remember when Jesus was the reason for the season? Do you remember what it’s like to witness “people taking time to be kind to one and all, buying special gifts? Everywhere, there’s an air of Christmas joy. It’s that once of year when the world’ sincere”? Do you remember believing in the “magic” of Christmas? Close your eyes & envision the hustle & bustle of going shopping at the local mall you frequented. Take in the sounds of Christmas bells and music. Now focus a bit more with eyes closed the smell of fresh Christmas trees & apple cinnamon candles permeating through your home & the other potent Christmas aromas that accompany this season. Do you feel it? As you got older, did you stop believing in the magic? Let me disclose something about me…I’m a big kid & I still believe in the magic of Christmas & the holiday season. Why not? Over the years so many of us decide to observe Christmas a particular way or even not at all & there is nothing wrong with that. Having 3 children & watching them over the years during the Christmas seasons is such a beautiful innocence. Now of course we want to be mindful of that we teach our children that Christmas isn’t just about gifts, but we also can create little lessons about giving to others less fortunate while still providing them with the opportunity to enjoy their own childhood & youth. To witness their eyes getting big filled with wonder from looking at decorated homes & all the lights, having them prepare cookies for Santa & taking a bite of cookies and leaving half drank milk to show the kids “Santa” has indeed come to pay them a visit! The smiles and memories you create that can’t be forgotten!
As I prepare this draft, I am so thankful I have 2 younger children, because it continues to reinforce all things mentioned above.
Whatever your perspective towards Christmas as an adult, do you still believe in magic? Do you give yourself an opportunity & permission to indulge in experiencing that childlike innocence with wide eyed wonder every now & then? I know we adults may not believe in Santa. I know there are with specific spiritual/faith practices that do not observe the holidays, but who says you can’t enjoy the collective sense of joy & cheer that surrounds this time of year? Who say’s you can’t believe in the magic & innocence you witness in the eyes of children? I love the movie Polar Express because although we as adults have outgrown certain ideas of Christmas, it doesn’t mean you can’t still believe in magic & miss out the beauty of the season. Another favorite is The Rise of the Guardians! It doesn’t matter your faith or spiritual journey, don’t let the box of religion keeping you from experiencing the beauty of Christmas. So go ahead & fix that special dish you stopped making that you used to only prepare around the holidays & give yourself permission to believe like a child again. This doesn’t mean you are ignoring reality, it means you are giving yourself just a little bit of extra room to believe in Magic of Christmas.