I came to yoga by way totally unexpected…My Father! YUP! OG TRIPLE OG! ERNEST, TOMMY, TOM, T( these are the many names he has). For a few years prior to the creation of this post and my yoga journey, I would always be marveled by the fact that my dad was indeed active with a yoga practice! When I would tell people who knew my dad that he did yoga, they would think I was lying! And I understood their sentiment because it was hard for me to see it as well, but I knew he was truthful and sincere in actually having a practice. Over the past few years since having began my own journey and especially within the past few months while being impacted by covid & my understanding of what yoga is, what it is not and the myriad of myths with regards to who practices, I believe I understand why he may have been called to begin his practice.
My father has been one to always need more spiritually than what he’s been taught or led to believe, however you wish to phrase it. And like myself, that urge within him was becoming strong enough that somehow, yoga found him. I believe he may not even have understood why he was drawn to yoga but knew there was something there much deeper than the physical, but he just wasn’t sure how to identify or recognize what he was actually seeking.
My father has the most beautiful, free spirit you could want to be around. He’s not perfect, but NONE OF US ARE! But I have learned even just as recently I am like my dad in so many ways & now one of them to add to my list is the seeking of something more spiritually. My dad having a yoga practice re-confirmed for ME that whatever you think yoga is SUPPOSED to look like, is a myth. Here in the western civilization, yoga has become commercialized and watered down with the unspoken narrative that yoga is only for skinny white women or white affluent individuals. But on the contrary! Yoga has been around for an extremely long time & originated in India or Africa(depending on what history you acknowledge) & was adapted here in western culture and in many cases, the tradition has not been honored. I understand evolution but the out right shift that has occurred has shifted people’s belief of what yoga is. In addition to my father being the “unlikely” yogi, I have seen over the past few years so many beautiful black yogi men and women alike & as I observe the divine collective of the growth of OUR community grow in the spiritual practice of healing and yoga, I can only imagine what the future holds for us. I see black women & black men, and curvy voluptuous taking it to the mat. I’ve seen yoga practiced in many ways off the mat as the asana(postures) practice is only but a portion of what yoga is.
When I actually began my yoga practice I truly believed my body was not made for yoga, even though I had seen other bodies like mine practicing. So many thoughts plagued my mind as to why I wasn’t good enough to practice yoga, or even teach yoga! But when I would have those thoughts, I would think about my dad, the unlikely yogi, how I was truly initially introduced to yoga. I dedicate Joy Of Santosha to my father, because of the role he played in exposing me to yoga. I wouldn’t have thought to take my first yoga class in Miami at a sports conference if it weren’t for my dad. The one thing has transpired into how I am able to show up today as an “unlikely” business owner of a yoga and wellness establishment. My father exposed something to me that I was divinely purposed to pursue to not only shift my perspective on my life and how to heal myself, but the drive to go further with my practice and began a wellness business so that I may bless others on whatever journey they’re in, in whatever capacity I am able. My dad exposed me to something that would allow me to help others heal. What could be more beautiful than that?
It is with great honor that I dedicate Joy of Santosha Yoga & Wellness, to my father, my friend, an unlikely yogi, Ernest Taylor. May the spirit of who he is guide me today and forever more to share the practice of yoga & healing with others within the capacity I am purposed for. I love you so much daddy. Namaste