I believe there is a paradigm shift occurring at this time for black women. No longer is it taboo for us to question our spirituality. No longer is it taboo for us to be embarrassed about needing therapy and seeking it. No longer is it taboo for us to explore and be confident about our sexuality & own it as black women. We are reaching a point in our society where we are demanding and commanding the necessary space for healing. It is important that we embrace and reassure our fellow black sistahs that they should not feel insecure about any uncertain feelings or emotions regarding the subjects mentioned above. After briefly speaking with a fellow queen regarding the topic of mindfulness and therapy, she mentions that too often in life, black women may think or decide maybe that it's too much work to put in the work of being confident about finding out who we truly are & I truly believe that there's a shift occurring where we are no longer ashamed or so harsh on ourselves to do the work. We now know that this work, in fact, is necessary. We are actually seeking the work. And I am just so humbled and grateful to have shared such a divine space with so many other black kings and queens over the past few months. I will probably be really focusing on this specifically, in a more broad context, over the next year because there is just so much to unpack with this simple yet powerful message. Artwork credit- @carolinalg.creations -IG @carolinalg.creations #evolutionalways #blacklivesmatter #blackwomenmatter #safespaces #healingspaces

Health & WellnessJana Torres