Midnight Collections- Reads for 2020
Peace and Blessings! I am so glad you are here with me! I talk about the flutter of butterfly wings and the effects those wings can have. Well, reading is definitely no exception. You can alter your whole life perception by picking up a persuasive enough book. The more knowledge we obtain, the more thought we can put into decisions we make, considering we take heed to a credible source, of course. So, as I somewhat find new ways to grow my blog, one topic I wanted to include were my current reads. This, by far, has been more challenging actually as I was not sure how I wanted the layout and content to be. So for now, I have simply taken the titles and authors of the books I have read & will list them & for this 1st post about my reads, I will be more brief than I intend to be in the future….I hope. Also, if you are wondering why I have decided to title this topic Midnight Collections, I did so because the only time I literally have for myself is when its quiet & everyone has gone to sleep. I do ALOT after my family is sleep-physically clean my home, spiritually/energetically clean my home, read, brain dump with note taking, meditate, study, etc…You get the idea. I have always been someone who needs pretty much complete silence when I’m trying to focus on any one thing. I have always operated this way. Prime example…it’s 445A.M. as I’m beginning to draft this post!
This book, my soul sister & I, decided to read this book together. There was no specific purpose for the read itself. This book was, for me, about developing a bond with my sister friend. We chose this book after we spent an afternoon together catching up on life. This book was, however, very intriguing. As a mother who has entertained the thought of adopting one day, even after having children of my own, this read gave me a perspective I never would’ve anticipated regarding the adoption process and being ok with whom you choose to be part of your family & also being ok with WHY! So many wanna question you when it comes to receiving a new person into your home by way of the adoption process. It can almost make you not wanna tell anyone anything until the process is complete. Anywho….I would definitely recommend this read.
Yaaasss…..THIS.IS.THE.ONE. As I have decided to dig a little deeper into my own spiritual journey & grow in comfort at the prospect of becoming a Buddhist practitioner, this is an easy, beautiful, captivating read. I recommended this to my father who has taken an interest in Buddhist philosophy also. He enjoyed the fact that it was an easy read, nothing he had to decipher. It wasn’t so "deep” that you were left not knowing what you read. I recommend this book for persons of ANY faith.
I am going to have to read this book again.
This book was rather captivating. I have been longing for a connection with my ancestors but for one, was unsure how to do this, & 2, I didn’t want to ask anyone how I could maneuver this for fear of ridicule because of my curiosity. Yall know how folks be acting. Don’t front. This book offered some insightful ways to reconnect with your loved ones who have passed on & also teaches about spirit guides, etc. Very beautiful book for a beginner such as myself.
Ok…..so this book is a must read & re-read. I am actually making my son read this book. The inlet of the book is pretty self explanatory & also a very easy read. We can so easily get caught up in the complexities of life we forget how simple life can be made. I’m not making light of the trials that we often encounter but this read offers us an opportunity to simplify life where we can by committing to 4 simple yet powerful agreements. This book is definitely one to keep close & share with the family.
I had the pleasure of reading this book this summer during a yoga training I was a part of. A book on racism within the yoga community, how to recognize it, educate people on how to guide a yoga practice for black bodies and POC in general & how to be sensitive to those who have experienced racism & trauma within the yoga community and in general. This book also offers opportunities to do activities to dive deeper into who you are.
I am currently still reading this book. I literally have to digest this book in bits. Like literally, I will read only 1 chapter on purpose and close the book & simply meditate on what I’ve read. Once I am done reading this book, I will read it again & will offer my insight when I feel I can do so with better clarity.