Boring Is The New Thrill!!!
I remember growing up and found myself saying the most ignorant shit…. “I don’t do politics.” I cannot recall the moment I realized just how much politics impacts my life not only as a woman but as a black woman. After I met my husband, I was mesmerized by how much I loved hearing him talk about politics and spirituality. Til this day, he teases me because I would kindly ask him, when he would go off into the deep where I couldn’t keep up, “Can you just give me a piece?” That piece meaning, imma need you to break things down to me as if I’m 5! Now I go to him to pick his brain because I’ve reached a place where I can patiently digest materials that I once could not.
I want to try to create a well rounded read here from my lil ole simple Bama perspective & that includes, yes…POLITICS! I won’t be too long winded here but I, was one who had election anxiety. Having Obama president for 8 years then to be on the cusp of having a first woman president only to be devastated when a racist, chauvinistic, misogynistic, incoherent, entitled orange baffoon got elected, was a shock to the system. We literally had a man child occupying the WH & that’s all he was doing, taking up space. His administration, congress and special interests buddies were running the show.
Between his itchy twitter fingers, childlike impulsivity, & lack of all knowledge regarding civics & how to run a government, to blatantly ignoring the devastation of covid & sadly convincing his supporters to believe covid is a hoax, when Biden announced his run, you could cut the anxiety with a butter knife! Our country went from almost going to war with Korea & having Russians decide our nations fate, & dealing with the most incoherent “political” figure yet, to witnessing the slight promise of complete sentences and not being on edge to go to war because of some off the cuff tweet, simpy because there was a possibility we’d have an actual adult in the WH again. No need to mention the clown throwing a tantrum until he leaves the WH. Just turn on your TV & witness the show for yourself if you can stomach it.
What I’m excited about is we’ve gotten so used to the chaos, being normal and boring is gonna be exciting!!! Here, I am referring to Joe Biden’s cabinet picks & the dawn of a new era of hearing people talk about politics that can put you to sleep (although I would not advise this. If you don’t engage in politics, 2016-2020 are the consequences). Biden-Harris are placing people in the cabinet that are actually qualified to do their selected jobs! Biden is literally part of American History because he’s been in politics since the dawn of time! But in all seriousness, I found myself totally engaged in what people may consider the boring processes of our President Elect choosing cabinet members! There were no fireworks or rallies of people clapping. Obama was nowhere to be found. Just Biden doing what normal presidents do. I was so thrilled! We don’t have to worry if he or Harris will try to put us on the brink of war via Twitter. We don’t have to concern ourselves with soundbites that degrade people who aren’t white! We, as Americans are not supposed to be on edge every damn day because we don’t know what the leader of the free world gone say from one moment to the next that could possibly get us blown to smithereens. Outside of the beautifully historic nature of the incoming President and Madam Vice President, I, for one, would like to forget about what the administration is doing & their would be daily goings on for once. Now, I know there are some who are fidgety about his picks and that he’s choosing experience over being aspirational, but my goodness, for one the man ain’t done choosing his cabinet yet. Two, with the damage 45 & his incompetent staff have done, experience is all the more relevant. So for yall who are antsy because he isn’t choosing more progressive picks, please give the transition team a moment to absorb the enormous job they have ahead of them. This publishing is clearly not for supporters of 45, but for those of us who understand the anxiety I speak of & the anticipation of what “back to normal” means, we will soon be able to exhale. I won’t be satisfied until January 20, 2021 when I see Biden/Harris sworn in.
Not let me liven up this boring read with some historic cabinet picks…
Now, of course I’m not gonna leave out his ALL FEMALE communications team!!!