It is with great intent that I try to provide some additional context and while I know this may not have been the greatest attempt, an attempt was made. I’ve come to learn that there is beauty in brokenness. We just have to be patient enough to receive what wisdom is to be gained, while also keeping in mind and our hearts that often times many things we may go through in life will occur with you gaining no understanding at all. And while that can be absolutely frustrating, I want to continue to encourage you that having expectations causes suffering. So don’t bank so much on knowing why things happen in life as you may never ever get an answer. And that too, is ok.

For me, it took me almost 3 years to understand why I had to endure such a dramatic dynamic shift with my family, in addition to learning why my mom is the way she is which impacted her actions towards me. It’s as if I almost can’t fault her, but since we are all adults, we know right from wrong & accountability & honesty are non negotiable. And I also have come to terms that the relationship I so dearly & downright desperately wanted may not happen. And I have come to terms and peace with that. It was rough getting here, but my journey is to ensure I do right by my children. I don’t live for my mother. I live for my own family.

FamilyJana Torres